Core Competencies

A group of students working and studying at a table

All students demonstrate mastery of the following Core Competencies to prepare them to advance, equitable learning in a rapidly changing world

Teaching for Justice (TfJ) - Knowledge, skills, and self-examination necessary for teachers to disrupt and counteract the effects of historical and systemic oppression on learners.

Thinking Like a Designer (TLaD) - A toolbox of skills to rapidly adapt one's practice, centered on users and grounded in observations of their experiences and needs.

Grounding in the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) - Research-based approaches for supporting diverse learners including environment s, instructional approaches, systems of supports, and socio-emotional learning.

These Supporting Competencies support ongoing professional learning:

Learning to Improve (L2I) - Habits and dispositions that support the continuous improvement of a teacher's practice, as teachers boldly try new things, make mistakes, learn, and unlearn during the design process.

Collaborating for Change (C4C) - Building and leveraging partnerships inside and outside of schools to impact learners in their classrooms and beyond.

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